Celebrating God's Grace and Mercy
Mt. Zion United Methodist Church is the oldest continuing African American congregation in Loudoun County and the state of Virginia. Its roots originate in The Old Stone Church established in 1766. African Americans attended the services as unclassified members until 1789. They were members yet there were separate membership rolls and seating. In those days, classes met once a week and everyone had to attend. Caucasian members led the classes. Each person was on probation until the leaders felt they were ready to become a member of the Church.
Probationary members were expelled for not attending classes, disorderly conduct, and immorality. One person identified in the records of The Old Stone Church was Solomon Bolton. From 1830-1832, he was brought before the church committee. He was finally expelled for holding church meetings contrary to church rule. Solomon wanted to preach, however, African Americans could only preach when a Caucasian minister was present.